Reata Estates

Peaceful Country Living

About Reata Estates

Member’s Area

Gate System Information

Reata Estates Gate Safety

Do not tailgate another vehicle through the gate.

Drive slowly when approaching the gate.

Do not use the exit gate to enter Reata Estates and do not use the entry gate to leave Reata Estates.

If any of these safety rules  are violated, the gate may strike the vehicle causing damage to it and/or the gate.  Violators will be held accountable, and Reata Estates Association assumes no responsibility for accidents or errors made by vehicle operators.

To report any problem with the gate, contact the board of directors >>> Email

How to Contact a Resident with the Gate Telephone

Visitors and service people may call residents with the gate call box.

To use the gate call box, scroll the list of residents using the A or Z button, and when the name of the resident is displayed in the window, press the CALL button.  The resident can give access by pressing “9” on their telephone.  There is a two-minute limit on calls made from the gate call box.

Information for Residents

Resident’s Gate Codes:  If requested, each resident family at Reata Estates is assigned a gate access code to open the gate with the keypad.  Gate codes are assigned by family name and not by address.  When a family leaves the Association, their gate code is removed from the system.  Gate codes have to be unique and should not be easily guessed.

Resident’s Names:  Names of residents are listed in the gate call box system at the gate for those families who have informed the gate administrator they wish to be listed. 

Resident’s Telephones:  To be listed in the gate system, residents must provide a local telephone number.  The telephone can be a land line or a mobile telephone.

Opening the Gate with a Telephone:  Residents can open the gate with their telephone.  When a visitor or service person calls from the gate call box, the Caller-Id will display “Reata Prop”, and the resident can press "9" on their telephone keypad which will open the gate.  Visitors and service people must call with the gate call box; residents cannot open the gate if the visitor or service person calls on a mobile telephone.

Special Problem:  There have been isolated reports of the gate system not responding to some telephones when “9” is pressed.  The only solution to that problem is to try a different telephone.  Apparently, the gate system does not recognize the tone of some models and/or the volume is not sufficient.


Remote Openers:  Only members of Reata Estates Association may purchase remote gate openers, and members have two options for acquiring openers.

>>>>> Option-1:  The gate code administrator can purchase remote openers that include a battery.  The openers will be configured and tested.  Unless directed otherwise, payment in advance is required for this service.

>>>>> Option-2:  The gate code administrator can provide technical details to members who prefer to order openers without any assistance.

To get a remote opener, contact James Badgett >>> Email


Temporary Codes:  If requested with sufficient notice, temporary codes will be issued to residents who are having a party or other special circumstances.  Alternately, the resident family can give their code to their guests, or the guests can call from the gate.  Send requests to the gate administrator.

Temporary Gate Open Times:   The gate will not be left open on a temporary basis to accommodate visitors, or other reasons except real estate open house events.

How Access is Provided

Members of the Association (Resident or Not):   Members of the Association can have access to Reata Estates with three methods which include:

  • Remote openers
  • Access code issued to the family
  • Opener technology built into their vehicles

See above for acquiring remote openers and gate access codes.  The gate administrator will assist with problems related to these two access methods, but cannot help with opener technology built into vehicles.

Emergency Vehicles:  The fire department and the sheriff’s department each have access codes provided by the gate administrator

School Bus:  The Azle school district has a remote opener provided by the Association.

Postal Mail Carrier:  The postal carrier has a remote opener provide by the Association.

Certain Companies:  Each of these companies have an access code provided by the gate administrator:

  • United Parcel Service (UPS)
  • FedEx
  • Atex Trash Services
  • Progressive Waste Solutions of Texas (formally IESI)
  • Duncan Disposal
  • Tri-County Electric

Septic System Service Companies:   These companies can have an access code provided by the gate administrator -- IF -- the resident customer sends a written request to the gate administrator.

Propane Providers:   These companies can have an access code provided by the gate administrator -- IF -- the resident customer sends a written request to the gate administrator.

Vendors and Service Companies Not Listed Above:  This category includes, but not limited to, lawn service, landscape service, pool service, pest control, house cleaning --- any service company that a resident hires but is not listed above.

Individuals and companies in this category use the code provided to the family that has hired them or they can call the resident with the gate call box.  The gate administrator will not give a family code to anyone but the family.  Each family is responsible for who has their code.  When a family leaves Reata, their code will be deleted from the system.

Repair and Remodeling Companies:  This category includes, but not limited to, appliance repair, electricians, plumbers, and home remodeling companies.

Companies in this category can use the code provided to the family that has hired them, but the employees can call the resident with the gate call box.  The latter is the method recommended by the Association to limit exposure to family codes.  There is usually no need to give a code to such organizations because someone in the family usually needs to be home to meet the repair person.  Again, each family is responsible for managing their code.

Home Construction Companies (New Homes):    A temporary code is issued to an owner who is about to start construction of a new home.  The owner will give the code to the home construction company.  The owner and/or the company are responsible for providing access for sub-contractors.  After the owner takes possession of the home, the code will be changed.

Temporary Access for Special Needs:  Any government agency, company, or organization that needs temporary access to Reata Estates for a special reason may send an email to the gate code administrator describing why and when access is needed.  The email should include the name of the organization and the employee name(s), plus a telephone number.  If approved, a temporary access code will be issued.

Contact:  James Badgett >>> Email

Real Estate Agents:  Real estate agents get access with the code provided to the family that has hired them.

Real Estate Open House Events

Reata Estate’s gate may be opened for real estate open house events on a Saturday or Sunday.  To arrange for the gate to be open, the board of directors of Reata Estates has two rules:

1.  The request must be made in writing by the real estate agent conducting the open house event.  The request can be made by email or postal mail, and it must provide the date, time and address of the open house event.  Send the request to the board of directors >>> Email or to 125 Branding Iron Court, Azle, Texas 76020.

2.  The request must be made in sufficient time for the board to plan for the event.

There is no guarantee that the request to have the gate open for real estate open house events will be honored due to circumstances beyond the control of the board of directors of Reata Estates Association.

To report any problem with the gate, contact the board of directors >>> Email