Reata Estates

Peaceful Country Living

About Reata Estates



Articles of Incorporation

Reata’s Covenants

Reata Estates is bound by a set of restrictive covenants that is a legal document of all restrictions, fees, and other requirements.  To see the complete list of architectural requirements and rules, go to our Covenants page.  There, you will find the “legal” version of the covenants as filed with the Parker County Clerk’s Office plus an easy-to-read version of the rules and restrictions.

Reata’s Bylaws

Reata Estates Association, Inc. is governed by a set of bylaws, which define how the association works,  how officers are elected, and other information important to members.  Go to our Bylaws page for details.

Reata’s Articles of Incorporation

Reata Estates Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation chartered by the Texas Secretary of State.  See the Articles of Incorporation page for details.